Facebook Cover Videos

Ok as someone who loves video I am naturally excited when I hear of new cool video features and Facebook’s latest idea has me very excited as they have launched Facebook Cover Videos!

I first saw this a while back when stalking my favourite Netflix show, Narcos on Facebook to see if there was any news on a potential season 3. When I landed on their Facebook page they had a moving banner. It is a very simple banner. The clip is of a camera passing various stacks of money which is on a loop. At first I thought this must be a GIF of some kind as I knew Facebook didn’t support video for the cover images and I thought nothing more of it.

It has only been recently that people have noticed it and it resulted in Facebook releasing this statement:

Official Facebook Statement:

We recently started testing the ability on desktop to upload a video as the Page cover. Once a cover video has been created, video will render when people visit the Page.

By making cover video available, we want to help you create more engaging interaction and drive more rich experience for your audience by letting you spotlight your creative content in one of the most prominent space: your Page cover.

The feature is still in early testing, but we expect to roll it out more widely soon. We appreciate your patience and support while we improve on this feature to bring cover video available to you soon.

How it works?

The video dimensions will be 820×312 and can be up to 90 seconds long. The Narcos video is a 6 second loop that runs in a loop. There has been no suggestion that the cover videos won’t support HD content either. The video will automatically start to play when the page loads.

Here is a concept video so you can see how it would work in practise.

Why does it matter?

I think this is quite a statement from Facebook as again they look at another way that video can be incorporated within a business Facebook page. Facebook has shown that it views video as a preferred platform with video ads outperforming text ads and the introduction of Facebook Live. This does feel like a natural progression for Facebook to allow you to use video within a cover banner.

At the moment I think it will be a novelty for many businesses. I don’t imagine there will be many early adopters of this platform. I guess what will be the game changer is how this effects sales and brand awareness for businesses on Facebook.

As Facebook says keep checking your cover photo options to see when you can add video.

If you do use a video to your Facebook cover photo, please do let us know as we would love to see it!

And if you want to have a chat about what we could create for your Facebook cover video then do get in touch.

email: hello@visualpunch.co.uk

tel: 01434 307446